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Programs : Brochure

  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Quick Facts:
Quick Facts:
Study Abroad Advisor: Eleanor Emerson
Program Brochure:
The SEU Faculty/Staff Travel Registration is a tool utilized by SEU to best assist the staff and faculty on St Edward's University-sponsored work during emergency/crisis situations while abroad. The information we request from you is mandatory and may be given to governmental agencies if the need arises. As a result, we ask that you give thorough and complete answers to the questions we ask. All of this is done with the intent to maximize the safety of the SEU community.
  • Choose SPRING if your travel is between the dates of Jan 1 - May 15

  • Choose SUMMER if your travel is between the dates of May 16 - Aug 27

  • Choose FALL if your travel is between the dates of Aug 28- Dec 31

This program is currently not accepting applications.